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Sandra Marrin

Peotone Patient Care Coordinator

From the age of 10, Sandie was drawn to Interior Design and knew exactly where she wanted to work: The Carriage House (Milwaukee, Wi). After graduation, Sandie worked for a combined 7 years in both WI and IL stores. After marrying the love of her life, Sandie moved to Illinois. When she began having children, Sandie decided to take on the role of stay at home mom. About 10 years later, she took on the task of Gift Shop Manager for Franciscan Health, growing into the position and loved her job. Sandie was passionate about the display in her shops, working for 35 years and decorating them each as their own little boutique. Sandie joined the RVPT family in the fall of 2023. She enjoys what she does and works closely with Kelly, our Peotone PT.


  • Sandie has an Associate Degree in Interior Design from Gateway Technical Institue and a extensive experience as the gift shop manager for Fransciscan Health.

Get To Know Me

What led you to the Healthcare Field & RVPT?

I was a patient at RVPT for my physical therapy. While working there, the Patient Care Coordinator position became available at the Peotone facility. I appreciated the hard work of the therapists at RVPT and wanted to be a part of the team.

What is something people may be surprised to learn about you?

I've been in commercials! When I was working at the Carriage House in Milwaukee, Bill put together about 6 commercials that would be broadcast on the local channels.  The designers (myself included) had to act and have speaking parts in the different commercials.  It was a great experience!

What would your perfect afternoon off include?

My perfect day off would include a whole day of going to resale shops. I love looking at furniture to flip for sale (or to keep for my house!). 

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